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Salted cod fish loin
Salted cod fish loin
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Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cartLarge centers of Skrei cod loin, considered the black leg of cod. Thick and with white flakes, they are perfect for a large number of preparations such as Biscay, gratin, with tomato ... The best of cod.
Approximate Weight (1 Loin): 1.2 Kg
Approximate Weight (1/2 Loin): 0.6 Kg
Approximate expiration date: 1 year Store in the refrigerator in a film so it does not dry out.
Between January and April, cod has a culinary peak in Norway, as the "miracle of the Skrei" takes place, the marine journey of a highly valued fish whose name literally means "The Nomad" in the ancient Norwegian language. When this fish reaches between five to seven years of age and its weight exceeds two kilos, the Arctic cod (Gadus Morhua) feels the need to leave the icy waters of the Barents Sea and migrate southwest towards the Lofoten Islands. inexplicably the exact place where he was born (for this reason it is called "the miracle").
Cod is a heavy white that has a low fat content. Its meat is rich in proteins of high biological value and also has a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins, those of group B stand out, mainly B1, B2, B6 and B9.
si lo hacéis en salsa guipuzcoana ya veréis, o sea "salsa verde",jejejejeje:
poner en una tartera dos cucharaditas del aceite de la fritura colado. Pelar y picar 2 dientes de ajo, añadir y rehogar. Cuando tomen color, agregar 3 cucharaditas de harina y verter el vino blanco. Remover y verter dos vasos de caldo de pescado. Añadir perejil picado y remover. " Listo para comer, prueba y me avisas... saludos.
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compramos en ocasiones lomos de bacalao por internet, y la última vez lo compramos en vuestra tienda, quería aportar una sugerencia para cocinarlo que me parece estupenda: simplemente al horno, cortamos muy finas las patatas, regado con un poco de aceite y vino blanco y poco tiempo de horno, lo indispensable, para que no se seque. Y justo cuando apagamos el horno, aderezarlo con un refrito de ajo en láminas y pimiento choricero. A disfrutar de todo su sabor.
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